SEO Training for beginners

SEO Training for beginners

We are SEO company in Coimbatore. As well as we are providing SEO training to the passionate people in Coimbatore. We are the pioneer in SEO training in Coimbatore. We have seen so many SEO practitioners, who were lagging in the fundamentals of SEO, but they have potential in them. So, we decided to start with basic fundamentals of SEO training. Let’s move on to our topic now.

SEO Training In Coimbatore : SEO Training for beginners

Today we are going to start our SEO training with some fundamentals. This session is for SEO beginners. In this SEO training session, we are going to learn about some of the basic principles, which we need to follow while doing SEO. Before getting into SEO, we need to have a better insight about search engines.

The following are need to be done while doing SEO.

  • Understand the Search engine
  • Update the knowledge of search engine algorithm
  • Keyword selection and Keyword tools
  • Topic and Content optimization
  • Tracking (using webmaster tool, google analytics and tag manager.)
  • We will discuss step by step

What is a search engine?

SEO Training in Coimbatore| SEO Training for beginners

The search engine is a software program. It searches for the sites based on the keywords that we give as search terms. Search engines search for their own databases of information in order to find what it is that we are looking for. Many of us already aware of some popular search engines like google, yahoo, bing and so on.

How does a search engine work?

SEO Training in Coimbatore : SEO training for beginners

 It is mandatory to understand the process of the search engine, which helps to do an effective SEO.


Search engine begins with the process of crawling. In this process search engine gathers all the data available from the world-wide-web with the help of software programs which is also called crawlers or spiders or bots. Modern crawlers cache the copy of whole web page and the additional information of the page. Crawlers repeat the process again and again on sites to crawl the updated information from the sites. It’s an endless process


The data gathered by the crawlers are stored in the database is called as search engine index. The search engine index contains the encoded date of the data gathered from the websites.

Processing the searches

This is the last step where the user type the search query (keyword) in the search engine and search engine displays the relevant information to the user. This process is done based on the two actions, that are

  • Ranking
  • Retrieval

Ranking– In this process, the search engines ranking algorithm checks the user’s search query against the billions and billions of pages to determine the relevance of each page to the search term. This ranking process is made based on several factors like relevance to the topic, keyword density in the page, age of the site, numbers of viewers of the site, etc.,

Retrieval- In this process base on the ranking the search engine displays the results on the search page.

This is how the search engines are works.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization(SEO) is the process of getting higher rank to the site and display the site in the first page of the search pages when the relevant search query is given to the search engine. Some people will tell you like SEO is not a rocket science, but with the intense competition in the present scenario, it requires more common sense and creative thought process. In our SEO training we provide a complete training on SEO.

SEO Training Coimbatore | SEO Training for Beginners | SEO Techniques

SEO can be done in two ways such as

  • On-page optimization
  • Off page optimization

On-page optimization

On page optimization (on-page SEO) process is done directly within the website in order to increase the search rankings and improve the visibility of the website. 60% of the ranking factors is based on the on-page SEO.

There are so many on- page factors are there, like keywords in Domain name, title, URL, content, ALT tag, site structure and sitemap, internal links, anchor text, heading and font size, file size etc.,

In all these factors, keywords play an important role in SEO. So first we discuss the keywords. We will discuss more about the On-page SEO on next SEO training session or you can visit our SEO company coimbatore or contact us through SEO training in Coimbatore website.


Keywords are the prime tool to do SEO. Keywords are the triggering point to rank the website in the search engine index. So, while doing SEO more focus should be given in keyword selection and usage of keyword in the website.

Keyword planner tools will help you to check the competition for the keyword. Select the appropriate keywords to do SEO. Choosing right keywords will give you an advantage while indexing a site. Ranking for a keyword can make or break your website, so do a proper keyword research before doing SEO.

This is not about learning the keywords selection, meanwhile, you can understand the customer’s search preferences. So, it helps to get more visitors to your site by ranking and displaying your site on the first page.

Topic and Content:

SEO Training Coimbatore | Seo content writing

Remember content is always a king of SEO. The SEO beginner should need to train themselves on content preparation.  Usage of the keyword in the content will help the do better SEO. We should give more importance to prepare a content with the usage of proper keywords. the content should have a minimum of 1000 words, in that we can have a keyword density up to 5-8%.


This the final step where we do the analysis of the results. To do this most pf the people will use webmaster tools and google analytics.

We will discuss in detail about on-page and off-page, on next SEO training session or you can get the details by contacting us through our website SEO training in Coimbatore. We will provide a complete SEO training in our SEO company.

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