Why Email Marketing Will Dominate 2017

Email marketing

email marketing

Email marketing is a type of way to promote sold our product, In a commercial message send to a group of people, via email. E-mail Marketing  involves using email to send advertisements, request business, or solicit sales or donations, and it helps to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. Email marketing can be done to either sold lists or a current customer database.

Why Email Marketing Is Important

What percentage of your marketing budget do you spend on SEO, social marketing, PPC, and email?

Have you given importance to learning and applying improved performance tactics for SEO, social marketing, PPC, and email equally?

The way you measure conversions or even attribution metrics from SEO, social marketing, and PPC, have you also measured your returns from email?

SEO generates 2.9 million visits per month, which costs around $7,000 for quality resources and tools. Email, on the other hand, generates 82.2K visits per month from 23K subscribers for $199.

Getting traffic from email marketing is 20 times easier and 30 times cheaper than SEO. Plus, if you use good email automation tools, then your entire marketing can be handled without continuous efforts or resources.

Best  tactics of Email Marketing

Here are some quick pointers for you to check and ensure that you get the most out of your campaign.

  • Don’t purchase an email list. Marketers are always in a haste when they start email marketing. Creating an opt-in subscriber list takes time while buying one is instant. But do not expect great results by purchasing email lists. These are almost sure to fail because these subscribers are not targeted and do not want to be getting your emails.
  • Use double opt-in instead of single opt-in. This is another reason you may be losing potential subscribers. Marketers fear a double opt-in may result in a user changing their mind and ultimately not subscribing. But remember that a subscriber who has entered an incorrect email id is never going to receive your email anyway. Why not cross check them with a double opt-in? This will ensure that everyone on your list really wants to be there.
  • Handle bounces. Many marketers use email marketing systems that do not handle unsubscribes from bounced email. They do not even maintain a suppression list. This can result in continuously sending email blasts to those users that have already bounced. This not only affects the open rates but also affects the domain’s reputation.
  • Make your emails consistent. Email marketing needs to have a structured and planned approach. Many times, marketers will take to their email campaign with energy, sending 5 emails to recipients in one week and then not sending anything for two weeks. The subscriber will either unsubscribe or will ignore such inconsistent email sending. Emails need to be sent consistently to develop a habit for the subscriber. Around 2-3 emails a week is a good frequency.
  • Purge inactive users. When your list has subscribers who have never opened your emails or have not opened your emails for quite a long time, it is always preferable to deactivate or purge them from active sending. Don’t get into the trap of thinking that a bigger number of subscribers is better. Your statistics will get messed up and you will lose motivation. Always keep your list active.

why email marketing is dominant?

1.Other Digital Media Advertisement v/s Email Campaigns:

Provisions are there for everyone with a social media account to run free campaigns and paid advertisement setting specifications such as gender, age, location, preferences etc., but what lacks here is a provision to analyse individual customer behavior. Evidently in email marketing we send campaigns only to specific individuals who have willingly joined and we never forget to keep a close track on every action they take.

2.Custom made campaigns:

As discussed we know that email marketing is in a way direct marketing, getting into the inboxes of subscribed individuals. Unlike other medium, custom made campaigns can be sent to customers based on their behavior, with dynamic content and personalisation.

3.Options to speak directly to customers:

We can run surveys through email marketing. Survey can be preference specific, requirement specific or simply a rating. This helps in knowing what customers think about the brand, check preference changes and know what they like and don’t like about the brand or campaigns. Whereas in other digital media marketing, we have the option to conduct surveys but we cannot be sure about the relevancy of the feedbacks.

4.More specific and promising reach:

Not everyone is interested in all digital media platforms let it be social media, or any other media and if one doesn’t have interest; they probably won’t have accounts in that. Whereas the possibility of a person who doesn’t have an email account is equivalent to zero. So possibility of getting email database is more and there by one can reach more people.


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